Saturday, March 23, 2013

Browser Malware Protection (Trusteer)

Can you Trust Trusteer to do the Job?
The company I work for is in the process of implementing a Browser based malware protection software from Trusteer. Rapport software from Trusteer is a lightweight security software that protects customers from having sensitive information from being stolen. Rapport software imbeds itself in a browser and searches for security breaches such as:

  • ·         Phishing – when a criminal builds a website like a legitimate site and convinces people to visit         usually with a misleading email
  • ·         Pharming – where your PC is spoofed to visit a false site usually when you click on a saved URL
  • ·         Keylogging – when a criminal captures your user-id and password information
  • ·         Man In the Middle - similar to phishing is where a hacker information is being passed through a            website using a website in the middle
  • ·         Man in the browser – where malware infiltrates you browser usually as a legitimate add-on
  • ·         Screen Capturing – malware captures your screen shots and passes them along
  • ·         Session Hijacking – a hacker steals the session parameters to gain access without credentials
  • ·         Drive-by-downloading – malware is downloaded from another usually legitimate site.

Our research shows that Trusteer is a product that works well in these situations.

Does anyone have any experience with Trusteer or know of competing products that could assist us? 


Has anyone been hacked in a manner mentioned did you detect it, respond, and prevent it from reoccurring?

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