Sunday, April 7, 2013

No-one is safe from Hackers - not even the First Lady.

On March 12 2013 hackers claimed to have gathered personal information from Michelle Obama, Vic President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. They also hacked into and post personal information from a number of celebrities.  The information that they posted included confidential information such as: social security numbers, credit reports, phone numbers and financial information. A Russian based website has posted this information. The US Department of Justice is investigating these incidents. 

This just goes to show that no-one is immune to hackers. If the First Lady and the Vice President can be hacked, then what chance does a normal citizen have? I’m sure that our top government officials have some of the most secure systems available. Later reports indicate that the hackers were able to obtain this information through credit reporting agency Equifax.
In today’s world we can all do a better job of protecting our personal and confidential information. Shred our mail, use anti-virus software, monitor our credit reports and financial statements. But so much of our personal information is out of our control. There are countless companies that we entrust with our information such as: credit card companies, credit reporting companies, your employer, medical records, and the list goes on and on. The best thing we can all do is to remain diligent and constantly monitor our information for any breaches. The sooner you can detect a breach the sooner you can contain the damage. Also the harder you make it for hackers, the more apt they are to go after easier prey.

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