Sunday, May 26, 2013

Information Security Jobs – The future looks bright

Many recent reports show that a demand for information security jobs continues to grow especially for middle management and senior roles for information security. New regulations are aiding the growth in information security jobs such as: the US Patriot Act, HIPPA, GLBA and so on. Recent reports of cyber espionage from China and the eastern European block add to the general awareness that information security is important to businesses and for national security.  

On Feb 12 2013 President Obama announced that Cyber Threats represent one of the nation’s most serious threats to national security and to the economy.  As a result the President created the Cyber Security Office and appointed a Federal Chief Information Office. The organizations primary goals are to 1) Improve our resilience to cyber incidents and 2) reduce cyber threats.

According to Robert Half data security positions are on the rise with average salaries ranging from $89,000-121,000 depending upon experience.  Security certifications such as the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) are in high demand with approximately 10,000 certifications last year. It’s no wonder that as the internet continues to rise and malware strains morph out of control that the need for Information Security jobs will continue to grow. 

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